Hot off the Press

by Ankita Varma on
Straits Times Life! 16 July 2017
Music And Makan, an intimate classical music session with pre-dinner snacks and wine, allows audience members to interact with performers and ask questions. [click here to read more]

Review of Music and Makan - Heart | Brain by Dr Chang Tou Liang
16 Oct, 2018
Music & Makan is the brainchild of Beverly Hiong, cellist and musical entrepreneur, bringing together the two things which Singaporeans love best: good music and good food. (Good shopping has not been included but I won't count it out at some point the way the event is evolving.)
First held in Christmas 2012, this has become a regular affair at the home of the Hiongs. The formula is simple: get professional musicians to perform and talk about music, engage a Michelin-starred or top-notched chef to prepare tasty dishes, and bring an audience of hungry people who enjoy being entertained. This year, M&M became a ticketed event and one can actually buy tickets via Peatix to attend. [click here to read more]